
Secret Searches Ruled Illegal

Last week, a federal judge deemed a Patriot Act provision that allowed the FBI to secretly obtain Internet and telephone records unconstitutional. What do you think?

Jerry Collins • Systems Analyst

“If John Ashcroft hadn’t personally been doing all the searches, I would’ve felt a little more comfortable about them.”

Jerry Collins • Systems Analyst

Jason Green • Stockroom Worker

“Thank God that Internet-records part was struck down. If the government ever found out that I bought

Jason Green • Stockroom Worker

Alice Morrison • Actuary

“Wait a second. The

Alice Morrison • Actuary

Albert Cook • Mathematician

“I’m glad the provision was deemed illegal, because it would’ve forced my phone provider to lie to me. I just couldn’t handle knowing that Verizon had lied to me.”

Albert Cook • Mathematician

Carl Perez • Title Searcher

“The Patriot Act never made sense to me. Aren’t the Republicans proponents of small government? Hey! Where are you taking me?”

Carl Perez • Title Searcher

Katherine Kane • Interior Designer

“That’s the way these things happen. First, they overturn one little clause, then they whittle away at the rest. Before you know it, our civil liberties will be totally restored.”

Katherine Kane • Interior Designer