
Conservative Teens

Recent surveys show that today’s teens are more conservative than the previous generation on issues like abortion and drug use. What do you think?

Audrey Mitchell • Caterer

“I don’t understand my teenage son. He’s always locked in the bathroom with that damn Ann Coulter book.”

Audrey Mitchell • Caterer

Fannie Whitton • Tailor

“Who can blame them, what with all the conservative video games they’re playing?”

Fannie Whitton • Tailor

Randy Kimura • Clerk

“Does this new conservatism preclude them from going wild, either now or at some point in the future?”

Randy Kimura • Clerk

Kenneth Mann • Systems Analyst

“I did find it strange that my daughter’s prom song was ’Hail To The Chief.’”

Kenneth Mann • Systems Analyst

John Zimmerman • City Planner

“Of course teens are conservative. They’re rebelling against the liberal bias that controls the media.”

John Zimmerman • City Planner

Jimmy McCourt • Dog Walker

“I don’t know who these teens are, but they certainly aren’t the ones e-mailing me about their web sites.”

Jimmy McCourt • Dog Walker