
Iran's Nuclear Program

Iran faces an Oct. 31 U.N. deadline to prove that it has no secret atomic-weapons program. What do you think?

Matt Donnelly • Editor

“If armageddon devices of biblical proportion don’t belong in the hands of fundamentalist religious extremists, where

Matt Donnelly • Editor

Steve Buck • Cashier

“A standoff over nuclear weapons? Fun! My father told me about those!”

Steve Buck • Cashier

Bob Wiltfong • Revenue Agent

“We have bigger things to worry about in the Mideast than nuclear weapons.”

Bob Wiltfong • Revenue Agent

Jessica Allen • Systems Analyst

“If Iran breaks the deadline, they’ll be in direct conflict with the U.N., which is a really big deal if you’re not America.”

Jessica Allen • Systems Analyst

Rachel Biello • Paralegal

“I know how Iran feels! Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines! Ack!”

Rachel Biello • Paralegal

Kurt Braunholer • Parking Attendant

“Everyone always says Halloween is going to be scary, but when the International Atomic Energy Agency says it, you can believe it.”

Kurt Braunholer • Parking Attendant