Bush's African Tour

President Bush recently returned from a tour of Africa that supporters say signals U.S. commitment to tackling the continent’s problems. What do you think?

“This trip demonstrates strong support for Africa in a way that adequate humanitarian aid never could.”

Roland Sutton • Purchasing Manager

“All I ever hear is Bush, Bush, Bush. When are we getting a new president?”

Jay McDaniel • Conveyor Operator

“Did he get his picture taken next to a big pile of skulls? That’d be awesome.”

Hector Castillo • Aircraft Mechanic

Helene Rhodes • Teacher

“I pray Bush steered clear of Anansi, the trickster spider-god. If not, the president may have learned a few lessons in a manner he didn’t appreciate.”

Duane Carr • Systems Analyst

“Thank God Strom Thurmond didn’t live to see a member of the GOP do this.”

Dena Hardy • Procurement Clerk