
The Missile-Defense Standoff

The U.S. and Russia are clashing over the Bush Administration’s plans to develop a missile-defense system, which would defy 1972’s ABM Treaty. What do you think?

Carl Cox • Systems Analyst

“Good for Bush. I always thought Clinton was a little weak in the pissing- off-the-Russians-over- nuclear-weapons department.”

Carl Cox • Systems Analyst

Dana Coleman • Homemaker

“Do you realize that the U.S. and Russia have held enough disarmament talks to bore the world to death 50 times over?”

Dana Coleman • Homemaker

Irene Schmid • Arts Administrator

“I’ve got a missile-defense idea: We genetically engineer a race of bird-men to fly up and defuse the missiles with their beaks. That’d be cheaper and just as effective.”

Irene Schmid • Arts Administrator

Bill Poulent • Cab Driver

“Gee, George, way to telegraph the sneak attack. Now they’ll totally know.”

Bill Poulent • Cab Driver

Bobby Post • Landscaper

“Speaking of which, don’t use the can for a while. I just violated one hell of a B.M. Treaty myself.”

Bobby Post • Landscaper

Don Banks • Podiatrist

“As Kenny Rogers says, you gotta know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em; know when to walk away, know when to use humanity as a bargaining chip in a game of nuclear brinksmanship.”

Don Banks • Podiatrist