
Arafat's $1.3 Billion

PLO leader Yasser Arafat has amassed a personal fortune of $1.3 billion—much of it allegedly coming from international aid intended for his people. What do you think?

Phil Dixon • Systems Analyst

“Wow, you could strap a lot of dynamite to a lot of teens with that kind of cash.”

Phil Dixon • Systems Analyst

Melissa Unger • Dentist

“I had my suspicions when I saw footage of PLO soldiers throwing some really, really great rocks.”

Melissa Unger • Dentist

Danny Ploeg • Sales Representative

“Shit, you’d think he’d be able to afford to move.”

Danny Ploeg • Sales Representative

Rachel Kittridge • Florist

“It’s not surprising. Arafat’s compound is among among the most lavish cement dwellings in the entire West Bank.”

Rachel Kittridge • Florist

Bob Lawton • Civil Engineer

“Arafat’s got $1.3 billion? I guess he does have a nickel for every time somebody called him a terrorist.”

Bob Lawton • Civil Engineer

Ron Runnels • Cashier

“So as much as he hates the Jews, deep down he’s really not all that different.”

Ron Runnels • Cashier