
Charging Obese Flyers Double

Southwest Airlines recently announced plans to strictly enforce a policy that asks passengers too large for its seats to purchase an extra fare. What do you think?

Chris George • Systems Analyst

“Making the obese pay more is fine, but waving them into their seats with fluorescent-orange batons is too much.”

Chris George • Systems Analyst

Robert Russell • Cashier

“As a man who once lost 100 pounds, I say to hell with them—it’s their fault they’re fat. As a man who gained the 100 pounds back, I say have a heart, Southwest Airlines.”

Robert Russell • Cashier

Donna Koechner • Homemaker

“That explains the ’Test Your Ass Dimensions’ frame at the check-in counter.”

Donna Koechner • Homemaker

Fred Issel • Delivery Driver

“I hope this controversy escalates. I would love to see that picket line.”

Fred Issel • Delivery Driver

Phil Lyman • Stockbroker

“Perhaps the overweight passenger could help offset the price of the extra seat by, say, serving as a screen for the in-flight movie.”

Phil Lyman • Stockbroker

Meredith Poole • Massage Therapist

“Overweight people fully deserve the dignity they have denied themselves for so long.”

Meredith Poole • Massage Therapist