Kerrey's Secret Shame

Last week, former senator Bob Kerrey admitted that a raid he led in the Vietnam War resulted in the deaths of at least 13 unarmed women and children. What do you think?

“Geez, you’d think he could make a run at the presidency without resorting to this kind of grandstanding.”

Myron Kannell • Systems Analyst

“We all have skeletons in our closets. Of course, in Kerrey’s case, it’s a whole pile of Vietnamese child skeletons, but still.”

Peter Odomes • Banker

“Come on. If that had really happened, he’d have an ear necklace like McCain.”

Andrew Hosch • Telemarketer

“There are many good reasons to kill: money, revenge, that satisfying ’thwump’ sound… but not to advance one’s political career.”

Ike Brophy • File Clerk

“What I want to know is, when he realized what had happened, did he throw back his head and yell, ’Nooooo!’ in pain and rage?”

Paulette Arnold • Homemaker

“I suppose next you’re going to tell me that Senator Calley was involved in this sort of thing, too.”

Denise Pillers • Florist