The Nuclear Response

Calling nuclear retaliation against attackers “an option,” President Bush wants to build up the U.S. nuclear arsenal as a means of deterrence. What do you think?

“This is great news. I’ve always been afraid of dying alone.”

Diane Balboni • Podiatrist

“Oh, well. And I was just getting used to calling it a root cellar.”

Ron Cotto • Machinist

“Finally, the president is listening to what the American people want.”

Pat Langston • Systems Analyst

“At least this means they’ll be reopening the nuclear-warhead factory here in Flint, MI.”

Rich Buhner • Unemployed

“This is a difficult issue, but, ultimately, nuclear preparedness is the only answer to the problem of global population.”

Tom Bankhead • Developer

“Can we go back to ruining the world through deforestation and steady ozone depletion? That was a lot less scary.”

Linda Kingery • Teacher