
The Al-Qaeda Captives

U.S. leaders are divided over whether al-Qaeda detainees in Cuba should be classified as POWs and protected under Geneva Convention laws. What do you think?

Roger Koss • File Clerk

“Goddammit, just when we finally get some prisoners, everybody wants us to be all nice to them.”

Roger Koss • File Clerk

Donald Matthews • Architect

“I have to admit, it’s funny the way those Marines had them bowing twice a day in the direction of Oscar Mayer world headquarters.”

Donald Matthews • Architect

Bruce Nowell • Systems Analyst

“This is a totally different situation. Those Geneva Convention laws were written back when we were fighting white people.”

Bruce Nowell • Systems Analyst

Marcus Moore • Landscaper

“Geneva Convention, Schmeneva Convention. Refute

Marcus Moore • Landscaper

Diana George • Homemaker

“We need to rough up these al-Qaeda guys a little if we’re ever going to get them to confess who the one true God is.”

Diana George • Homemaker

Danielle Lund • Florist

“I don’t think we should risk making martyrs of these men. Notice I said ’martyrs,’ not ’quadriplegics.’”

Danielle Lund • Florist