
Sept. 11 Charities Under Fire

The Red Cross and other aid groups are under fire for giving only a portion of the billions that have poured in since Sept. 11 to the attacks’ victims. What do you think?

Leslie Gottfried • Sales Associate

“Hey, I felt great when I gave that money. Isn’t that all that matters?”

Leslie Gottfried • Sales Associate

Andrew Dillon • Tennis Pro

“See? That’s why giving actual money to a charity is a bad idea. I donated 10 tennis lessons instead.”

Andrew Dillon • Tennis Pro

Don Matthius • Office Manager

“I recently donated to a Sept. 11 online charity and was afraid the money wouldn’t all go to the victims. But the folks at savinpeopleandshit.com assured me it would.”

Don Matthius • Office Manager

Barb Rocket • Painter

“All I can say is, if the money I gave goes to some Indian kid orphaned by a monsoon instead of a Sept. 11 victim, I’m gonna be fuckin’ pissed.”

Barb Rocket • Painter

Richard Risley • Lawyer

“This is why I don’t trust the Red Cross. From now on, anyone who needs blood can come straight to me.”

Richard Risley • Lawyer

Marcus Murphy • Systems Analyst

“Well, these vague accusations and rumors seal it: I’m never donating to a charity again.”

Marcus Murphy • Systems Analyst