
Confederate-Flag Controversy

On Jan. 17, more than 47,000 people marched on South Carolina’s Statehouse to protest the flying of the Confederate flag over the capitol dome. What do you think about the presence of what many consider an emblem of slavery?

Jesse Lee Willis • Auto Mechanic

“As a Southerner, I simply want to display the Confederate flag as an important symbol of my heritage and history. My hatred of niggers has nothing to do with it.”

Jesse Lee Willis • Auto Mechanic

Anthony Banks • Systems Analyst

“Hasn’t South Carolina learned anything since the days of the Civil War? On second thought, I think I’d rather not know the answer to that question.”

Anthony Banks • Systems Analyst

Denise Schourek • Massage Therapist

“If they can still fly the Nazi flag over the capitol in Berlin, South Carolina should have the right to fly the Stars and Bars. What? When did that happen?”

Denise Schourek • Massage Therapist

Oscar Haney • Delivery Driver

“It is unconscionable that, in this day and age, that ugly symbol of racism is painted on the roof of the General Lee. Sheriff Roscoe should teach them Duke boys a lesson.”

Oscar Haney • Delivery Driver

Knox Williams • Banker

“I’m from the South, my daddy’s from the South, and my daddy’s daddy’s from the South. All three of us are from the South.”

Knox Williams • Banker

Irene Lewis • Actuary

“If I were a citizen of South Carolina, I’d be deeply ashamed. Now, what’s this about a flag?”

Irene Lewis • Actuary