Off His Rocker?

In a recent Sports Illustrated article, Atlanta Braves relief pitcher John Rocker called a Latin-American teammate “a fat monkey,” insulted Asians and single mothers, and said he would never play for a New York team because he didn’t want to ride a subway “next to some queer with AIDS.” As a result, baseball commissioner Bud Selig ordered Rocker to undergo psychological testing. What do you think?

“Why do we crucify the one man brave enough to speak out against the raging epidemic of ethnic diversity in America?”

Emily Cord • Teacher

“Me come to America to take away good jobs and buy beautiful white womans. Why he so mad?”

Sunji Bardeekian • Shopkeeper

“If I hated blacks and Hispanics, I’d definitely go into baseball.”

Lisa Rinaldi • Lawyer

“I can’t believe an organization like the Atlanta Braves would be associated with racism. It almost makes me ashamed to do the Tomahawk Chop.”

Richard Hamill • Systems Analyst

“This Rocker affair is not unprecedented. In 1910, Ty Cobb underwent psychological testing after using the word ’nigger.’ Luckily, he was able to get the help he needed in time.”

Wayne Langham • Truck Driver

“It makes sense that John Rocker would be shocked by the sight of blacks and unwed mothers with multiple children, being from Georgia and all.”

Kenneth Billups • Civil Engineer