
The Little Cuban Boy

Elian Gonzalez, a 6-year-old Cuban boy, is the subject of a bitter international custody battle. Found at sea on Nov. 25, two days after his mother drowned with 10 others in an ill-fated attempt to flee Cuba for the U.S., the boy is currently living with relatives in Miami. His father, who lives in the Cuban town of Cardenas, has demanded his return. What do you think?

Garnett Baker • Systems Analyst

“We can’t let this child come under the sway of an isolationist, tyrannical state led by a self-obsessed sociopath. By all means, send him back to Cuba.”

Garnett Baker • Systems Analyst

Donna Keegan • School Psychologist

“Elian should be allowed to stay. It would be good for Miami to get a little splash of Cuban culture.”

Donna Keegan • School Psychologist

Michael Teague • Consultant

“This calls for the wisdom of Solomon, who threatened to cut a young boy in half. Of course, that’s just a myth, but with modern medical technology, we could actually make it work.”

Michael Teague • Consultant

Todd Thomas • Machinist

“First them Cubans take away our jobs, then they try to take away our immigrants. I say send ’em all back to Cuba! Could you repeat the question?”

Todd Thomas • Machinist

Wesley Pierce • Jeweler

“We can’t send him back there. They fry bananas, for God’s sake.”

Wesley Pierce • Jeweler

Linda Petruso • Homemaker

“Political considerations should not play a role in the life of a little boy who is a clear publicity tool in a politically motivated international public-relations dispute.”

Linda Petruso • Homemaker