
Trouble In East Timor

On Aug. 30, East Timor voted overwhelmingly for independence from Indonesia, sparking a pro-Jakarta militia crackdown that has left hundreds of Timorese dead and prompted U.N. officials to evacuate the island. What do you think about this rapidly deteriorating international situation?

Franklin Schuitt • Systems Analyst

“It’s a tough call. They’re not as brown as Africans, but they’re still pretty brown. I guess I’m leaning toward not caring.”

Franklin Schuitt • Systems Analyst

 Richard Heep • Bank Teller

“East Timor? Shouldn’t the citizens be, you know, Timorous? Ha! Seriously, though, where is this town?”

Richard Heep • Bank Teller

Linda Voskuil • Homemaker

“This crisis won’t affect production of Kmart’s fall fashion line, will it?”

Linda Voskuil • Homemaker

Robert Iverson • TV Journalist

“As CNN’s senior correspondent for the Pacific Rim, I’d just like to say, ’Hey, Noam Chomsky, look! We’re finally doing a story about how oppressed East Timor is! Are you happy now?”

Robert Iverson • TV Journalist

Melissa Orr • College Student

“The U.S. has got to step in and hold a pancake-dinner benefit for these people.”

Melissa Orr • College Student

Hugh Randolph • Construction Worker

“Martial law? A shoot-on-sight curfew? That’s pretty serious, man. I just hope all the white people get out okay.”

Hugh Randolph • Construction Worker