Gore For President

Vice President Al Gore plans to formally announce his bid for the presidency on June 16. What do you think about Gore running in 2000?

“Sure, what the hell? This Gore guy couldn’t be any worse than the losers we have in office now.”

Gary Podesto • Locksmith

“Why are you asking

Jacqueline Effman • Legal Secretary

“He should definitely be elected. Gore and Hillary would make a great couple.”

Liz Myrick • Dialysis Technician

“You mean we’re still having presidents after this whole Lewinsky scandal?”

Neil Krasnow • Systems Analyst

“Gore vs. Bush… the same choice I have to face in selecting my pay-per-view movies every night.”

Keith Talley • Mechanic

“We must elect Gore. Jay Leno has barely scratched the surface of joking about his stiff and wooden disposition. Four more years!”

Bruce McDonough • Metallurgist