
Worsening Tensions With China

Rocky military relations between the U.S. and China only worsened with NATO’s accidental May 7 bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. What do you think about the deteriorating state of affairs between the two nations?

Janet Kuhn • Speech Pathologist

“Why should the U.S. have to take the blame for NATO’s actions?”

Janet Kuhn • Speech Pathologist

Isaac Holt • Systems Analyst

“Look, there are an awful lot of bombs that need to be dropped. Can we really be expected to keep track of every last one?”

Isaac Holt • Systems Analyst

Lydia Kedzie • Graphic Designer

“China has every right to be upset about our slaughter of innocent Chinese citizens. We’re cutting in on their action.”

Lydia Kedzie • Graphic Designer

Rupit Thalacker • Cashier

“This tragic bombing should teach us an important lesson: If you move, make sure to send a change-of-address notification to the CIA.”

Rupit Thalacker • Cashier

Bobby Pryor • Stand-Up Comedian

“China’s mad at us? Ah, so! Me so solly! Prease to accept aporogies! Hi, I’m funnyman Bobby Pryor—come join me Thursday night, when I’ll be headlining at Tacky’s Tavern on Pegler Road, next to Osman’s Tires.”

Bobby Pryor • Stand-Up Comedian

Alexander Gulden • Real-Estate Developer

“China? That’s not the country with the giant robots, is it? Whew.”

Alexander Gulden • Real-Estate Developer