Hollywood Eating Disorders

Helen Hunt, Courteney Cox and Ally McBeal’s Calista Flockhart are among a wave of actresses recently rumored to have eating disorders. What do you think about extreme thinness in Hollywood?

“Helen Hunt has an eating disorder? You’d compulsively self-induce vomiting too if you had to listen to Paul Reiser whine all day.”

Dennis Pittman • Claims Adjuster

“It’s almost as if Hollywood puts a premium on thinness and beauty.”

Teri LaCorte • Waitress

“It’s wrong to assume a woman has an eating disorder just because she’s a bit thin. She may just be in the final stages of cancer.”

David Ruhle • Systems Analyst

“It could be worse. They could be getting big and fat like that cow Kate Winslet.”

Larry Sambito • Accountant

“They’re only doing it because the camera adds 75 to 80 pounds.”

Alison Howe • Bank Teller

“So you’re saying our nation’s sitcom actresses may be starving themselves to death? Now what is the problem exactly?”

Matt Sutton • Plumber