
Rising Cable Rates

The nation’s cable TV operators announced recently that after an 8 percent hike in 1996, rates will go up another 10 percent in January 1997. What do you think?

Jacob Warner • Lab Technician

“It’s disappointing, but understandable. I mean,

Jacob Warner • Lab Technician

Albert Cahill • Civil Engineer

“I hope they raise the rates. It makes me feel good to help a struggling media conglomerate get a little bit ahead.”

Albert Cahill • Civil Engineer

Lauryn Hill • Pipefitter

“Cable rates, cigarette prices and liquor taxes are all going up this month. At this rate, the twins’ baby food budget is gonna be cut in half.”

Lauryn Hill • Pipefitter

Josias Manzanillo • Pediatrician

“With my satellite dish, I can get over 500 stations from around the world. Wanna watch

Josias Manzanillo • Pediatrician

Tim Bergstrom • Systems Analyst

“Did you see

Tim Bergstrom • Systems Analyst

Daphne London • School Psychologist

“If these rates keep going up, I might soon have to cut back on some channels, like STN—the Shiny Things Network.”

Daphne London • School Psychologist