Premarital Counseling

In response to escalating divorce rates, some federal legislators are pushing for a law that would require all engaged couples to meet with a counselor before getting married. What do you think?

“My fiancée and I go through premarital counseling all the time. We call it, ’Scream At The No-Good Baby That Ruined Our Lives.’”

Felicia Koonce • Systems Analyst

“What are the counselors gonna say? ’Don’t throw the best years of your life away on some broad that’s bangin’ your brother while you’re busting your hump all day at Carpetland’? ’Cause that’s what they should say.”

Tyler Grieg • Chiropractor

“Screw premarital counseling. What my future wife needs is blow-job counseling. I mean, she’s stroking too slow and scraping her teeth way too much.”

Ryan Sturbridge • School Psychologist

“Everything I needed to know about marriage I learned from the Georgia Satellites.”

Nevin Vance • Bartender

“I think premarital counseling is crucial. We had ours at Macy’s, and without it we never would have picked out the Lenox Old English pattern china.”

Donna Moreland • Sculptor

“If I had only gotten the proper pre-burger counseling last Tuesday, maybe I wouldn’t have put on all that extra mayo.”

Tim Brundage • Chemical Engineer