
23% Of Americans Didn’t Read Book Last Year

A Pew Research Center poll found that nearly 1 in 4 Americans had not read a single book or e-book in the past year, nearly tripling the figure from 1978, when only 8 percent of Americans hadn’t read a book during the preceding 12 months. What do you think?

Gary Cypherd • Marketing Director

“And here’s to a book-free 2014!”

Gary Cypherd • Marketing Director

Shellie Hoyt • Corporate Liaison

“Yeah, but if you add up all the tweets I read, it’s probably pretty close to a book.”

Shellie Hoyt • Corporate Liaison

Daniel Freedman • K-12 Curriculum Designer

“Sounds like 23 percent of Americans don’t know about the free personal pan pizza you get through Pizza Hut’s BOOK IT! reading program.”

Daniel Freedman • K-12 Curriculum Designer