
‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey hit U.S. theaters 50 years ago this week, changing sci-fi filmmaking forever with its stunning setpieces and psychedelic visuals. What do you think?

Alex Cameron • Wishing Well Maintainer

“At the time, it was very innovative, but of course now we’re all accustomed to movies ending with a fetus hovering over Earth.”

Alex Cameron • Wishing Well Maintainer

Tucker McGregor • Systems Analyst

“That’s the movie that first got me to believe in space.”

Tucker McGregor • Systems Analyst

Clarice Branton • Soda Siphon Operator

“Wow, has it been 50 years now that I’ve been meaning to watch that film?”

Clarice Branton • Soda Siphon Operator