Many will attack you for taking the easy way out, but then they won’t know how hard it was to find an extension cord long enough to reach the bathtub.
The sight of well-manicured lawns, new and colorful homes, and friendly pedestrians can only mean one thing: You’ve wandered onto the wrong side of the tracks.
Police officials will manage to talk you down from the ledge of an overpass this week. Sadly, they’ll do so by screaming for you to jump.
After 12 years and eight children you’ll finally succeed in sleeping your way to the top of the welfare recipient list this week.
Fears of being exposed as a fraud will be realized this week when you’re revealed to lack the fluid color, strong lines, and playful style of Matisse’s trademark works.
Set your inner child free this week! A bottle of disinfectant, a pair of grasping tongs, and an ordinary wire hanger are all you need!
Pride will be yours this week when you’re awarded the Nobel Prize for Sitting Around the House and Waiting Desperately for the Phone To Ring.
Attempts to run away from the problem will fail this week when the problem turns out to be a short-circuited treadmill.
While you’ve long thought of yourself as your own harshest critic, the weekly columns of Gene Shalit will soon prove you wrong.
The stars were going to predict the beginning of a lifelong romance for you this week, but they couldn’t get through it without bursting into laughter.
Contrary to popular belief, a second set of footprints will soon reveal that that was when Jesus ran off to play beach volleyball.
There’s nothing you can do to put an end to the suffering this week.