
Woman Disgusted By Magazine’s Glaring Use Of Photoshop In Spot-The-Difference Picture Game

PASO ROBLES, CA—Arguing that just because the changes were small didn’t mean they wouldn’t leave a lasting impact, local woman Ashley Hoffman told reporters Thursday she was disgusted by People Magazine’s glaring use of Photoshop in their spot-the-difference picture game. “Everyone from photographers, to writers, to editors, should be ashamed that so many glaring alterations were made between photo one and photo two,” said Hoffman, who added that she was horrified to think of all the young women who would pick up the magazine and not understand how many parts of the side-by-side photos were actually fake. “Just when you think you’ve made progress with the body positivity movement, someone comes along and photoshops a different hat onto a model, puts some stripes on her shirt, or changes the color of a car in the background. One day, I hope people will be comfortable seeing real men and women in magazines instead of comparing clearly Photoshopped versions for them for their amusement.” Hoffman added that she hoped People Magazine would be more transparent about their use of Photoshop, and demanded they place the spot-the-difference answers right-side-up instead of upside-down.