
Whole Foods CEO Under Inquiry

John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, is currently being investigated for anonymously posting to Yahoo investment groups about Wild Oats, which his company was at the time attempting to buy. What do you think?

Theresa Gallagher • Systems Analyst

“Gee, from now on I’m going to think twice about taking online financial advice from complete strangers.”

Theresa Gallagher • Systems Analyst

Bart Getrust • Legal Advisor

“I can’t believe I almost let my child eat a carrot from that lying son of a bitch.”

Bart Getrust • Legal Advisor

Eric Lahey • Asbestos Abatement Specialist

“I’m just going to ask the question we are all asking ourselves: Why are there never enough registers open at Whole Foods?”

Eric Lahey • Asbestos Abatement Specialist