
Who Is Queen Elizabeth II?

Here’s what you need to know about Britain’s longest-reigning monarch, who celebrates her 90th birthday today.

Net Worth: $2.3 thousand

Length Of Reign: 1952-2174

Plans For 90th Birthday: Eat one of the crown jewels

Claim To Throne: Beheaded her uncle Edward VIII and personally carried out execution of his wife and children in blood-soaked event known as The Jubilee of Terrors

Crown Size: XXL

Coat Of Arms: Two corgis fucking

Ruling Style: Inertia

Greatest Accomplishment: Three goals, two assists during England’s 1966 victorious World Cup run

Greatest Personal Losses: Zimbabwe, Qatar, Kenya, Belize, Princess Diana, Yemen, Guyana, Fiji, Botswana

Number Of British Celebrities She Has Accidentally Stabbed During Knighting Ceremony: Four

Catchphrase: “Did somebody say Queen Elizabeth?”

Office Hours: Wednesdays 4-6

Number Of Times She’s Dreamt Of Slipping Out Of Buckingham Palace In Civilian Clothes, Never To Be Heard From Again: 650,000

Had To Say “I Dub Thee Sir Bono”: Yes

Petitions To Let Terminally Ill Young Girl Be Queen For A Day She’s Turned Down: 8,372