
White House Announces Entire U.S. Populace Of 6,200 Attended Trump’s Tulsa Rally

WASHINGTON—Seeking to counter the narrative put forward by the mainstream media, the Trump administration announced Monday that the entire U.S. populace of 6,200 had attended the president’s recent rally in Tulsa. “Despite what the fake news at CNN and MSNBC would have you believe, President Trump was honored by the fact that every citizen of the United States, nearly 7,000 people, showed up to this historic event,” said Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, noting that unscrupulous news outlets had seized on the fact that the Bank of Oklahoma Center is a large stadium whose capacity was several times that of the U.S population in order to discredit the president. “It’s unfortunate that the media would take a beautiful event like this, at which every single person in America turned out to show their love of President Trump, and make it into something negative. It’s particularly pathetic given that, of course, every member of every network and newspaper was also in attendance.” McEnany went on to clarify that any people seen walking around outside the arena during the rally were in fact illegal immigrants from Mexico.