
‘When You Trap A Tiger’ Awarded 2021 Newbery Medal

The American Library Association awarded the John Newbery Medal to author Tae Keller for her children’s book When You Trap A Tiger, a story about a biracial girl who considers making a deal with a magical tiger to save her dying grandmother. What do you think?

David Valia, Trainee

“Could you recommend something less critically acclaimed for my stupid, low-brow kid?”

David Valia, Trainee

Alayna Ashcroft, Petri Dish Scrubber

“Seems dangerous teaching children to help people just because they saw it work in some book.”

Alayna Ashcroft, Petri Dish Scrubber

Derek Spadaro, Unemployed

“I like the idea of a magical tiger, but it’s totally unrealistic to imagine a little kid who gives a shit about their grandma.”

Derek Spadaro, Unemployed