
Ways To Wait Out Hurricane Sandy

With Hurricane Sandy shuttering schools, businesses, and transit services up and down the East Coast, tens of millions of Americans have been left to wait out the storm indoors. Here are some ways you and your family can occupy your time until the weather passes:

Refer to FEMA’s Official Indoor Fun Guide for emergency game ideas

Sit on your legs until they both fall asleep, and then try to get up and walk to another room; repeat this 400 times

See how much loud clapping you can accomplish before man in next emergency cot gets angry

Remember favorite memories

Start planning your hurricane story now so you’ll be able to one-up your friends’ stories

Tweet something cute or clever about storm. In event of power or Internet loss, just shout 140-character comments out window

In moment of storm-induced panic, kiss roommate; never discuss

Take a shit right in the middle of Times Square; it’s your only chance