‘We’ll Lobby For Hobbies All The Way To Abu Dhabi,’ Says Lobby Rep Robbie Stobby
WASHINGTON—In an appeal for the strengthening of the world’s greatest hobbies, Hobby Lobby representative Robbie H. Stobby vowed today to press for funding of a full range of hobbies. “My name is Robbie Stobby, and I am here to lobby for hobbies,” said Stobby from the Congressional lobby, accompanied by his wife, Elise Tobbie-Stobby. “This snobby Congress needs to quit being knobby and recognize the Hobby Lobby. Well, I say it’s as bad as if we were under Mugabe. And, to diverge for a moment, the Kennedy I like best is Bobby. He was a great legislator and a significant influence on my political career.” Stobby then exited the stage for a meeting with Iraq’s Ahmed Chalabi, to discuss funding the hobbies of the Australian Kabi Kabi.