
Virginians Who Watched Schools Taken Over By Sharia Law Refuse To Make Same Mistake With Critical Race Theory

ABINGDON, VA—Saying their failure to head off the fundamentalist legal code had prepared them for the difficult fight ahead, Virginia parents told reporters Wednesday that after watching their schools be taken over by Sharia law they refused to make the same mistake with Critical Race Theory. “We already saw what happens to our schools when we turn a blind eye to this kind of extremism, and I’ll be damned if we’re gonna let that happen again,” said local parent Mary Lester, recounting how difficult it had been to watch her daughters forced to wear burkas and perform the five daily prayers of salāh when they entered high school in 2012. “Sure, we may not be able to change the fact that they’ve already made it illegal to say ‘Merry Christmas’ and ‘God Bless You,’ but at the very least we can stop these schools from teaching our children that all white people should be killed. It’s time to say enough is enough.” At press time, Lester apologized and told reporters that she had to leave to get her daughters to the masjid on time.