Heartwarming story alert, gamers! This WWF War Zone cartridge had a nest that a baby Xbox Series X clambered into when it had broken one of its controller ports. The N64 cartridge then took in the Xbox as its own and nursed it back to health. They’ve been inseparable ever since!
What makes this a true friendship is that the Xbox Series X will groom the classic wrestling game’s cartridge pins, using its exhaust fan to blow ticks, dust, and other sediment out and keep it in tip top condition!
This will melt your heart gamers. When they need to ford a river, the WWF War Zone cartridge has learned to ride on the Xbox’s back, keeping it dry and safe in the most adorable way.
Aw, look at these two! Kiss, kiss, kiss!
Frolicking in their natural habitat. Wow!
Here are the two best buds just taking in a sunset.
Typically, the WWF War Zone cartridge would be a natural predator for an Xbox Series X like this. That’s what makes this pair so special. Obviously, in this picture, it looks like the Xbox might be trying to fight the cartridge, but don’t worry, they’re actually hugging!
Now, we’ll admit it: When we first saw this pair of knuckleheads, it touched us so much that we had to give them a little surprise photo shoot. Here’s them all dressed up with nowhere to go!
Yumz! A little dinner for two!
Dawwww, they think they’re humans!
Zzz…. Everyone needs some shut eye after a long day with friends. Nighty-night. 🙂