WASHINGTON—Admitting they had been pretty dissatisfied with their own lives lately, the American people wondered Tuesday if their unhappiness was causing them to project a 45% approval rating of themselves onto President Joe Biden. “It just occurred to me that my personal frustrations and feelings of worthlessness might be coming out through my responses to nationwide polling organizations,” said 51-year-old Detroit resident Joseph Wade, reflecting the thoughts of his fellow survey respondents, who conceded the dismal approval numbers they gave their nation’s leadership might be a defense mechanism against the lack of approval they felt for themselves. “It’s possible that when I tell Gallup or Rasmussen Reports that the president is doing a terrible job, what I’m really saying is that I’m doing a terrible job. Am I disappointed by the inadequacy of this administration’s foreign policy initiatives, or am I disappointed by the inadequacy I feel about myself? Because with the way things are going these days, I might rate my own life at about 45%.” Wade added that his low expectations for Biden could also be an emotional survival strategy that dated back to his childhood and reflected five decades of being let down by presidents.
Unhappy Nation Wonders If It Just Projecting 45% Approval Rating Of Itself Onto President
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