
U.S. Planes Kill Canadian

U.S. warplanes accidentally fired on Canadian troops in southern Afghanistan, killing one and wounding five. What do you think?

Karen Walton • Safety Inspector

“This sends a powerful message to bin Laden. It says, ’We’re willing to destroy any ally in order to hunt you down in what would be a largely symbolic victory.’”

Karen Walton • Safety Inspector

Jaime Rodriguez • Systems Analyst

“Clearly, U.S. military leaders are having some creative differences over there. One idea would be to decide on the enemy, and then agree not to kill people who do not fall under that category.”

Jaime Rodriguez • Systems Analyst

Keith McGovern • Housewares Associate

“Look, the American military does not discriminate. Gay, straight, Taliban, Canadian, Pat Tillman—we will shoot you all.”

Keith McGovern • Housewares Associate