
Trump Says Syria Situation ‘Not Our Problem’

In a contentious meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, President Trump reportedly claimed the rapidly escalating conflict between Turkey and Syria’s Kurds was “not our problem,” despite most experts concluding it was propelled by his sudden pullback of U.S. troops from the region. What do you think?

Alexie Peacock • Bathroom Tiler

“I think Trump’s right. We can pretty clearly pin this one on Andorra.”

Alexie Peacock • Bathroom Tiler

Derek Ayala • Systems Analyst

“I’m sure however many Kurds are left afterwards will understand.”

Derek Ayala • Systems Analyst

William Appleton • Allergy Activist

“Maybe our allies should have thought of this before we established a strategic partnership 45 years ago.”

William Appleton • Allergy Activist