Top Issues For Voters In The 2016 Election

With the presidential race well underway and the pool of candidates narrowing, Americans will soon have to choose their next leader based on how well they speak to the issues. Here are the top issues that matter for voters in the 2016 election:

Climate Change: Remains among the most important either nonexistent or irreversible issues of the campaign

Income Distribution: Has become less of a hot-button issue since the elimination of the middle class

A Nuclear Iran: Voters are divided in their choice between a candidate who aggressively opposes this and a candidate who vehemently opposes this

Holding Wall Street Accountable To Main Street: It is absolutely imperative to voters that a candidate utters this phrase at least once per stump speech

Mass Shootings: A small contingent of Americans would like to see fewer of these

The Peachtree Theater Redevelopment Proposal: 100 percent of voters agree this longstanding downtown gem is worth saving and something must be done before that greedy old developer Mr. Grayskull tears it down next week

Israel: General consensus to keep those blank checks coming