Tips For Organizing A Protest

Protest movements have been a part of American life since the country’s founding, and they continue to this day. Here are some tips for organizing a successful protest.

Agree as a group ahead of time what it is you want and when you want it by

Start with a hashtag and work backwards

Educate your protesters about their rights that will be violated by police resistance

Don’t worry about making the perfect sign—in the end, your individual impact on world affairs is statistically insignificant

Compose a chant that somehow rhymes patriarchy with Islamophobia

Make your protest as welcoming as possible—everyone can march and hold a sign, but some people might not be comfortable handcuffing themselves to a truck to get Pepsi Blue back

Press your trousers before marching—nothing says you mean business like a crisp pleat

Make sure enough people say they’re going on the Facebook event so that you don’t have to show up yourself

Keep momentum going after the protest by having several discussions over the next few days about how important it will be to keep momentum going