Bill Maher is a self proclaimed “old-school liberal” comedian who has come under fire for his controversial views on race, religion, and sexuality. If you know someone who is a Bill Maher fan, here are things you should absolutely never say to them.
“Why is it just called ‘Max’ now instead of ‘HBOMax?’”
No one knows the answer to this question, whether or not they’re a Bill Maher fan.
“I’m also defending my privilege at the expense of others!”
Maher’s takes are much more nuanced but just happen to end up at the same conclusion.
“I like how nobody ever changes their mind when on the panel.”
It’s not about changing minds, it’s about yelling.
“Couldn’t he make the same points without being so smug?”
Could he?
“Whose bullshit are you tired of?”
There isn’t enough time in the day.
“I think writers deserve to eat and have a home.”
Don’t stray into hyper-controversial territory like a person’s right to food and shelter.
“I saw him at church once.”
You lie. YOU LIE!
“Isn’t he just bitter that his jokes aren’t landing with the new generation?”
Stop reminding them about their strained relationships with their children.
“Mom really needs you to call her.”
If Dad wanted to talk to Mom, he wouldn’t have divorced her.
“He’s no Joe Rogan.”
Maher fans are sick of people grouping every uninformed hack behind a microphone together like they don’t have very real differences in how they view the “woke mind virus.”
“Are you aware there are other comedians?”
This is an offensive question as Bill Maher isn’t technically a comedian.
“You ever think about…?”
They have, and you don’t want to hear their thoughts on it.
“I actually think the conventional wisdom about every hot button political issue is accurate.”
Believe it or not, some fans of Bill Maher do not think the conventional wisdom about every hot button political issue is accurate.
“Didn’t he refer to himself to a U.S. Senator using the N-word?”
No need to censor yourself around a Maher fan.
Great! You just claimed responsibility for all the terrorism in the world!
“This explains everything that is wrong with you.”
Don’t be ridiculous, it only explains a few things wrong with them.
“I’m a liberal but I despise liberals.”
Actually, this is completely fine to say.