Face it, grandma, you are extremely cringe. If you’re a millennial, Gen Z requests you stop doing these things immediately.
Won’t the millennials shut up about the Oklahoma City bombing or the botched raid on the Branch Davidian compound for two seconds?
The Desperate Attempts to Try to Win Them Over
They don’t like your TikToks and they never will.
Not Understanding They’re Old And Should Immediately Disappear
Annoyingly, millennials keep walking the face of the earth despite their old age and embarrassing Harry Potter fandom.
The War Of The Roses
While millennials were not directly responsible for the bloody civil wars that tore England apart in the 15th century, Gen Z still hates them for it.
Millennials Get To Die First
Gen Z has come of age in such dark times that nothing incenses them quite like people who are more likely to leave this accursed planet before they do.
They Were Mean At Family Events
Why do older cousins always need to be so exclusive?
Taking All The Good Student Loan Debt
Many Gen Z’ers feel like they’ve barely got any student loan debt to inherit.
They Have Also Been Crushed By The Tech Oligopoly That Is Usurping Our Private And Public Lives
We hate what we are.
The Age Range Is Too Large
It’s hard to land a solid insult when references vary so widely.
Exhausting The Pog Supply
The millennial appetite for pogs in the ’90s has left virtually none for Gen Z let alone the children that generation will have someday.
Their Obsession With 9/11
Zoomers much prefer to trace their existential dread to climate change, stagnant wages, and the widening wealth gap.
Thinking They’re Good At Social Media
A Gen Z’er will call every single one of their friends to check out a 36-year-old humiliating themself on TikTok.
They Are Marginally More Justified In Their Hatred Of Baby Boomers
Not by much, but by just enough to drive Gen Z crazy.
They Are A Reminder Of What Gen Z Will Eventually Become
Nothing makes Gen Z angrier than the realization that there will soon be a generation behind them that thinks they’re pathetic in almost every way imaginable.
Didn’t Kill Off America When They Had The Chance
Millennials talk about wanting to change the world but continually refuse to take necessary action.
They’re Stuck On This Burning Planet Together
There’s nothing annoys Gen Z more than having to die alongside such a sappy and lame group of losers.
Millennials Might Have A Chance To Grow Old
Enjoy it while you can, because Gen Z’s got 30 years, tops.