The 18th Olympic Winter Games began this week, turning the world’s attention to Nagano, Japan. What do you think about the arrival of this quadrennial athletic event?
“Yeah! Time to kick some Towelhead butt! USA! USA! Oh, the Olympics? Shit. I thought you said ’war.’”
Tyler Hunt • Shipping Clerk
“You know, I was just saying the other day that there isn’t enough ice-skating on television.”
Larry Baer • Architect
“There is nothing more thrilling than watching spandex-clad Aryans lay on top of each other at high speeds via nine-hour tape delay from Japan.”
Roy Strypczynski • Systems Analyst
“Olympics? I think I ate there once. They have, like, cheeseburgers and gyros and stuff, right?”
David Puhl • Construction Worker
“Thank goodness they’ve added Autumn Olympics in 1999 and Spring Olympics in 2001. No year is complete without a once-every-four-years Olympic competition.”
Caroline Kelley • Student
“I am so excited, I’m going to run out and use my Visa card right now.”
Marie Colquitt • Civil Engineer