During a hostage rescue, Russian authorities pumped gas into a Moscow theater, killing 116 of the 800-plus captives. What do you think of the controversial move?
“Now that the siege is over, the surviving hostages can get back to watching Nord-Ost. I think they left off at the part where Vasily was about to propose to Svetlana.”
Reggie Simms • Systems Analyst
“I trust that the Russians handled this correctly. No doubt we’ll soon learn that every gas victim was actually a Chechen collaborator. Yes. This is what we will find.”
Oleg Yashin • Russian Official
“Just answer this: Were the captors terrorists? Okay, what about the people who killed the hostages, were they terrorists? How about the victims?”
Oscar Riggins • Delivery Driver
“This is the worst thing ever to happen in Russia.”
Meredith Dietz • Teacher
“All I can say is, somebody had better answer to the United States about this.”
Gordon Lenox • Roofer