The Return Of Flag Burning

On April 29, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-7 to send an anti-flag-burning amendment to the full Senate floor. What do you think about the prospect of such a constitutional ban?

“Think about it: a constitutional amendment limiting civil liberties so that protesters will no longer be able to burn flags? It just makes sense.”

Lydia Bochte • Nurse

“Why can’t people get this straight? Flags are for flying;

Larry Stoddard • Systems Analyst

“Flag burning? It’s fine, I suppose. Unless, of course, it’s an American flag. Then it should be illegal.”

Joan Nelson • Homemaker

“This amendment hasn’t even been passed, and I’ve already been convicted of burning a flag. Maybe it had something to do with that Perkins that was attached to it.”

Gene Bannister • Auto Mechanic

“I’ve got a bunch of American-flag napkins from last July 4th. Can I still wipe mustard off my face with them if this amendment passes? ’Cause I’ve got a real problem with mustard spillage, to be honest.”

Geoff Cruz • Forklift Operator

“When I think about the countless flags being burned in this country every day, I must admit that something, no matter how drastic, must be done.”

Ken Bulling • Bond Trader