
The Pros And Cons Of Gene Editing

Recent advancements in gene editing have introduced a number of exciting possibilities for human advancement and raised difficult ethical questions. The Onion breaks down the pros and cons of gene editing.


Could help eradicate genetic diseases in rich people

Would raise level of competition in child beauty pageants

No longer need to totally bust ass cultivating inner beauty

Will create thousands of high-paying jobs for struggling ethics professors

May be capable of creating a family member who doesn’t always fuck everything up

Attractive people are better than unattractive people


Hereditary gene that causes glaucoma only thing left to remember grandpa by

No way the Pope is going to go for this

Far fewer inspirational morning show segments about kids beating cancer

Would extend the lives of assholes, too

What if they make some super-disease and inject a bunch of giant hornets with it or something? What then, hotshot?

Mom already dead