
The Pros And Cons Of Co-Sleeping

The act of co-sleeping, where babies and toddlers share a “family bed” with their parents, is a rising trend in the United States, though the practice is contested by those who doubt its purported benefits. Here are the pros and cons of co-sleeping with your child:


Breastfeeding in bed much more convenient than running hose into nursery

Gushing to single friends about the beauty of sleeping beside your spouse and infant will make them feel even lonelier

Crying sounds way better live than through crappy monitor

No scientific evidence that smothering a newborn with the full weight of your unconscious body inhibits development

Easy nighttime feedings mean that moms can pump a few ounces just for themselves during the day

Mommy, Daddy, and baby can sleep soundly knowing their condo still has a killer home gym


Instills in child the dangerous idea that they come first in parents’ lives

Baby kept awake night after night by your recurring nightmares

Very real risk of your child one day uttering the words “family bed” in public

Yet another goddamn sleep number to juggle

Probably tough for newborn to sleep so close to the womb without being able to get back in

It’s weird as hell—let’s not pretend otherwise