
The Ones We Lost

Marking the culmination of a decades-old spat over housing subsidies, Sens. Robert Byrd and Ted Stevens died almost simultaneously on the Senate floor, the lead balls from their dueling pistols hitting them squarely in the liver and forehead, respectively.

Publishing magnate Bob Guccione died of cancer on Oct. 20. He was laid to rest several days later following a soft-lit, full-frontal open-casket funeral service.

Historian Howard Zinn passed away at 87. His A People’s History Of The United States influenced several generations of students who read about the work in their more authoritative and thorough AP U.S. History textbooks.

Dennis Hopper died of complications from prostate cancer, but not before completing his fifth and best divorce, an acrimonious, bitter proceeding that ended a brilliant career of fighting with wives over property.

Dixie Carter died? Oh, my God. I had no idea.