The New Reagan Biography

Edmund Morris’ new Reagan biography, Dutch: A Memoir Of Ronald Reagan, is drawing fire for its use of fictionalized characters and events. What do you think of this controversial “biographical novel”?

“The Reagan bio may be partly fictional, but I don’t mind. That means it should correspond pretty closely with my memories of his administration.”

Iris Roberts • Botanist

“Okay, first of all, he was American, not Dutch.”

Wendy Mattson • Guidance Counselor

“I’m not a big fan of Reagan or his politics, but I must admit, the story of how he came to Earth from the doomed planet Krypton was pretty impressive.”

Rick Hurst • Systems Analyst

“I was pretty sure Reagan never unmade the Ring Of Power by throwing it into the cracks of Mount Doom. Then it turned out Amazon fucked up and sent me the wrong book.”

Fred Boulware • Carpenter

“This book is total bullshit. No American president would ever lay a memorial wreath at a Nazi cemetery.”

Chris Kennard • Train Conductor

“As a devoted admirer of the great Ronald Reagan, I have only one thing to say: I must be really stupid or something.”

James Holt • Orthodontist