
The India-Pakistan Conflict

Tensions continue to rise between India and Pakistan, with the nuclear rivals threatening to go to war over the disputed Kashmir region. What do you think?

Irene Collins • Dental Hygienist

“Ever since the days of Gandhi, India has been eager to overcome the stereotype that they’re a bunch of wise, deeply spiritual peacemakers.”

Irene Collins • Dental Hygienist

Gina Lathon • Student

“If it does come down to a full-scale war, I’m siding with whichever country makes that awesome puffy bread.”

Gina Lathon • Student

Rich Ketcham • Delivery Driver

“India and Pakistan may be the next nations to use nukes in war, but no one had better forget who was first. USA! USA! USA!”

Rich Ketcham • Delivery Driver

Rajesh Subhraveti • Cashier

“Oh, don’t worry. All this tension and conflict is just a prelude to the showstopping Bollywood dance number.”

Rajesh Subhraveti • Cashier

Andrew Schorr • Systems Analyst

“Why would they fear a nuclear war? Pakistan’s Muslims have an eternity of honeyed figs awaiting them in the afterlife, and India’s Hindus will all just get reincarnated.”

Andrew Schorr • Systems Analyst

Marlon Watts • Architect

“You know, this is precisely why I only read the sports and comics sections.”

Marlon Watts • Architect