Wal-Mart recently opened its first store in China, bringing its wide selection and everyday low prices to a virtually untapped new market of more than one billion. What do you think about this American retail giant’s invasion of the Far East?
“Wal-Mart in China? Good idea! That will eliminate shipping costs from the manufacturer to the store.”
Dennis Pearson • Pro Football Player
“I’d like to visit that store. Then I could see my wife before I buy her.”
Walt Huber • Speech Pathologist
“As a fat Beijing housewife with nine children, I’m glad I’ll finally have the chance to push a cart around a huge, fluorescent-lit store, just like I would in America.”
Leonore Kent • Systems Analyst
“That explains why, when I tried to return a defective toaster oven recently, they told me I had to take it to their store in Wutan.”
Cheryl Coogan • Registered Dietitian
“Hopefully, this will provide a better market for their poorly selling line of Sam’s Choice Human Rights Abuses.”
Kenny Post • Truant Officer
“As a cost-conscious Chinese peasant, I’m sticking with Sears. They’ve got the Kenmore-brand huts I’m looking for.”
Peter Frankowicz • Tax Attorney