
The Future Of NASA

In the wake of the Columbia tragedy, many are questioning the wisdom and necessity of NASA’s manned-space-flight program. What do you think?

Maria Fortis • Librarian

“Those astronauts did not die in vain. They gave their lives so that mankind could have cool footage of people floating upside-down in fully automated capsules.”

Maria Fortis • Librarian

Kenneth King • Systems Analyst

“Imagine all the good that could be done if we took those billions of dollars we’re spending on NASA and gave it to the military.”

Kenneth King • Systems Analyst

Bill Kuntz • Auto Mechanic

“The space program should be scrapped. Fourteen deaths in 20 years? Imagine seeing those kinds of statistics in, say, the trucking industry.”

Bill Kuntz • Auto Mechanic

Sheryl Auburn • Homemaker

“If man were meant to fly in outer space, God would have given him a brain capable of figuring out the mathematics and physics necessary to do so.”

Sheryl Auburn • Homemaker

Marcus Edwards • Civil Engineer

“Don’t you think Bush is taking this whole wanting-to-be-Reagan thing a little far?”

Marcus Edwards • Civil Engineer