
The Falun Gong Show

The Chinese government recently banned Falun Gong, a 100,000-member spiritual movement denounced as “dangerous to society.” What do you think of China’s crackdown on this meditation-based sect?

Randall Fowler • Systems Analyst

“Thank goodness China was able to stamp out this dangerous sitting- around- doing- nothing- but- thinking movement.”

Randall Fowler • Systems Analyst

Pamela Olsen • Loan Clerk

“The Chinese government may seem harsh to us, but at least over there, an individual worker-unit can propel itself along a transportway without fear of undue molestation.”

Pamela Olsen • Loan Clerk

Kaye Sollinger • Fitness Coordinator

“Those meditators should be allowed to do what they want. It’s a free country, you know.”

Kaye Sollinger • Fitness Coordinator

Larry Lantis • Optician

“China is cracking down on a popular quasi-New Age spiritualist? I think the U.S. should follow their example and crush that Deepak Chopra guy once and for all.”

Larry Lantis • Optician

John Pellett • Custodian

“Falun Gong? Aren’t those the folks who worship harmoniously arranged furniture?”

John Pellett • Custodian

Gregory Bleck • Metal Worker

“I’m just glad the Chinese government is finally cracking down on

Gregory Bleck • Metal Worker